Our calendar tells us it’s almost Halloween. It may a coincidence, but our understanding is that Mr. Jobs has intimated that he might like to occupy Apple’s top spot in a more permanent kind of way. So far, the company has downplayed that notion. On the list of rumored CEO candidates we’ve seen, no one seems too ghastly…or ghostly.
Apple’s recently-released financials reveal a turnaround that is slowly getting “on track.” The cost cutting efforts are yielding results. The one thing we find scary is Apple’s need to focus its efforts on increasing sales. We hope you weren’t “spooked” by this quarter’s performance. Chances are, Apple will be a much smaller company (at least for awhile).
And The Beat Goes On
Chiat/Day, Apple’s new (in a Back To The Future kind of way) ad agency is drumming a simple beat about Think different. We like the ads. Some really creative and influential people from history are featured in the advertisements. Let’s hope the campaign can create a positive public image for Apple in the minds of computer buyers.
In keeping with the Think different theme, we went back in time, too (TV time that is) to find some appropriate analogies. We’re tired of Mac users and their computers being treated like the Odd Couple. Some people think Mac users are simply Bewitched and perhaps we should try and keep our comments All in the Family, but we don’t want the legacy of Apple to get Lost in Space. That’s our perspective.
Maybe our editors need a little less Nick at Nite and a little more sleep, but we don’t think today’s Mac user should be treated like My Favorite Martian... maybe that’s Steve’s point. It’s time to end the reruns. The Mac is back in a whole new way. We can understand his thinking (after all, he’s been known to “think different” himself). Brand image is important but we think the upcoming products will help, too. Say good night, Gracie...Apple’s ads have a brand new “Day”... Sorry, it was just hanging there!
Nader’s Raiders
Speaking of the 60’s & 70’s, does anyone remember the Chevy Corvair? Does anyone remember Ralph Nader? For those readers who may be unaware, Mr. Nader helped start the consumer protection revolution. He’s been the friend or foe of many organizations and institutions. We’re not about to express a view about Mr. Nader and his many activities. But we did notice that he has cast his sights upon that lumbering software giant known as Microsoft.
We won’t add any more fuel to Mr. Nader’s proverbial fire. Can you imagine there’s any truth to his concern that Microsoft is doing things in a monopolistic way? Talk about Back To The Future! Where’s he been all this time? Maybe he’s the one that’s been a bit Bewitched.
The Beat Goes On
We’re happy to be with you today and we look forward to writing the ATPM issues of tomorrow. Things are really changing in the Macintosh market and we’re excited to present these changes in our unique, monthly kind of way. Please take a look inside this month’s issue for your favorite columns and features. Tony Harwood Jones, our roving Powerbook packin’ preacher (not as much of a non-sequitor as you might think) has joined us for yet another issue with an interesting look at life...and language. We won’t claim that all our stuff is Heaven-sent, but we encourage you to check out our Segments section and all our regular features.